Category: Express JS

  • Dockerizing an Express.js, MongoDB, and React.js Application

    In today’s rapidly evolving development landscape, containerization has become a cornerstone for building, deploying, and scaling applications efficiently. Docker, a leading containerization platform, provides developers with a robust framework to encapsulate applications and their dependencies into portable containers. In this guide, we will delve into the process of Dockerizing an Express.js, MongoDB, and React.js (MERN)…

  • How to Blocklist and Whitelist IP Addresses in Express.js

    Introduction: When building web applications, it’s often necessary to control access based on IP addresses. Express.js, a popular Node.js framework, provides easy-to-use middleware for implementing IP address filtering. In this guide, we’ll explore how to blocklist and whitelist IP addresses in Express.js to enhance the security and accessibility of your application. Blocklisting IP Addresses: Blocklisting…