Category: React JS

  • Boosting React Performance: Effective Strategies and Best Practices

    React is a leading library for building dynamic and interactive web applications. As your React application scales, maintaining performance becomes increasingly crucial. Here are some proven techniques to enhance the performance of your React applications. Leverage React’s Native Optimizations Memoization with ‘React.memo' ‘React.memo' is a higher-order component that optimizes functional components by preventing unnecessary re-renders.…

  • Transitioning from Redux to React Hooks in React.js

    Redux has been a popular state management library in the React.js ecosystem for a long time. However, with the introduction of React Hooks, managing state in functional components has become more streamlined and concise. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to transition from Redux to React Hooks where possible, focusing on code examples to…

  • Dockerizing an Express.js, MongoDB, and React.js Application

    In today’s rapidly evolving development landscape, containerization has become a cornerstone for building, deploying, and scaling applications efficiently. Docker, a leading containerization platform, provides developers with a robust framework to encapsulate applications and their dependencies into portable containers. In this guide, we will delve into the process of Dockerizing an Express.js, MongoDB, and React.js (MERN)…